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architecture�ez�f[ tw��[��)introduction to literary theory cclassicsf�lb-n�׋f[�k��xvz0comparative study of chinese and western poeticshgcntnz�/g�f[the aesthetics of artng���_ς�]'yf[��e�/g#ko�western art appreciationy[cnh -n�v�s�^q{#ko�n����7appreciation and design of ancient chinese architecture�g��vnws'yf[  o;uz�/g#ko�nr\o,appreciation and creation of the cartoon arthghq\)y%mt�]'yf[�pnt�o�music appreciationfn�lt�o�calligraphy appreciationr3t -n�v'yθxz�/gxvzb�u�tq_ɖt�o� film and television appreciationh��eiq�h�t�o�dance appreciationr�^s�n�h�f[b�bgrt�o�drama appreciation _hq-n.ybgrf[b��/gt�o�ng~gb�ft�o�traditional opera appreciation4t~nim-n�vz�/gxvzb�z�/g�[��introducaiont to artlqqq�e�public japanese `!�n�q'yf[틇ecollege chineseh�*mht�_:_ �ghf �f[8^ bsbh  _y� �ba�z�/gf[ abstract art���_l 0�8n�� 0t�o�#appreciation of journey to the westhg�o ws�nyr�kye��^�f[b� �[]�[oye`o�bdd�_5uq_6director sung chong teaching you to shoot micro movies�[]׋͋t nxvz��xt���r~g�� %�r uq �n1r�v�efw0r �ё�v�[�[=the 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